Number Three

Kelly has gone on strike, saying she isn’t doing any more posts until I write one. I actually thought she was joking… apparently not!

If you are new here, and I know there are a few visitors already, and you haven’t followed me through a personal message, then I am Sarah. I am the more sensible member of the crew, and the bottom pic in the short list on the right.

It is quite strange being here, I feel a bit lost, it’s all a bit strange. Anyway, lets get started.

This blog isn’t going to dwell solely on our shop activities and what we do for a living. I know some people have started to call it “Our shop blog”, but it isn’t meant to be. It’s just going to be a bit of fun, encompassing all sorts of things. For me it will be somewhere where I can say things I don’t want to include in my blog. Also, we want to keep it slightly anonymous, because we don’t want shop customers finding us here.

We have been encouraging the 3rd member of our group to write something meaningful. So, tomorrow, Doreen will post her first ever piece of writing. She hasn’t found it easy, but like most things in life, once you have taken the first step, the second becomes easier.

Sarah xox

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