Beer O’Clock

It’s my day off from shop work today, and as it’s turned out to be a reasonably nice day, no snow, no rain, so far at least. We have wind, but that’s OK, I don’t mind wind too much. I thought I would enjoy myself by doing some of the things the recent weather hasn’t allowed me to do.

First item on the list, is to get myself ready, which so far hasn’t happened. The morning has been spent tidying the aviary and the pond. If you didn’t know already, I have a big liking for birds, and possibly a bigger liking for birds of prey. Hawks and owls and even eagles. My boyfriend won’t let me have an eagle, I’m working on that one at the moment, but it isn’t going very well.

Don’t sidetrack me with birds, or I’ll never get anything done today. First job on the list is getting ready, and when that’s done, me and my dog Sam are going for a jaunt, which might take in the local pub on the way back. Sam likes a bowl of beer! I like food, they do both, so we’re both on a winner.

Okey Dokes. I have put some pics up on the Venue Dressing page, the button is above. They’re pics of some of our past venue dressing jobs and I’ll put some more on soon,

Kelly x

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