Second Coming

Since writing the first post, you might have expected some flow, especially with the excitement of running a new blog, that initial gusto new blog writers have before the whole thing becomes a chore.

Fact is, since writing the opening non introduction, the whole production process ground to a halt. Having ideas is one thing, but now the site is live, there was a discussion about the content. The fine line which we don’t want to cross, the line which keeps us safe from, for want of a better word, out and out weirdos. Weirdos do exist, we are still aware of what happened to a friend of ours after a Facebook rendezvous, and the trauma that caused, both physically and mentally. In other words, we would like to keep an air of anonymity, and while that might be a bit frustrating, or a little annoying to some, I would like to put our point of view over. Which is. We don’t give a shit!

One persons healthy interest can be another persons unhealthy obsession, so we won’t be crossing over any fine lines. We might put our toes up to the line now and again, but we won’t be stepping over with any haste.

We both know there is an interest in our shop. I know Saz’s blog these days tends to cover some of the drama associated with standing around waiting for the next customer to walk in. What she hasn’t done, for her own reasons, is put some pictures up.

That was part of our recent discussions about the blog content, so on Friday we took some photos of the shop, and the road we are on. Just as well, because not much later, it began to snow. If you look at the photos, you will see the swing bridge which features in the title photo at the top of the page.

Kelly x

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