The Beginning

When push comes to shove, you don’t know what to write, do you! All these thoughts floating around inside your head, yet when you sit down to put them into words, suddenly they all get up and leave.

This first post has been difficult to compose, so here’s what we do.

I am going to write with the presumption that you already know us. In that way, I can miss out the long boring introductions. If by some chance you have bummed here by accident, you can either leave now, or take the long slow process where we grow on you over time. My friends say I’m a slow burn anyway.

A little background of what this blog is about, before we begin properly. Sarah and I have discussed the idea of running a collaboration blog for some time. She has tried the idea before, and it failed. The fail came about because collaborators didn’t keep up. This time, the idea is different. The collaboration will be between the two of us, and others will drop in whenever they have time.

The blog won’t have any theme, but it will probably grow to have some regular features. We will do some updates about our work, our individual likes and dislikes, our hobbies and one or two other things as well.

I suppose the initial ideas of how the blog will run, will change over time as we find our feet, perhaps it’s best to let it flow and let it take it’s own course without making any promises or setting anything in stone.

Now the introductions have been done, without introducing anyone, we can make a start and get the show on the road.

Kelly x

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