Beer O’Clock

It’s my day off from shop work today, and as it’s turned out to be a reasonably nice day, no snow, no rain, so far at least. We have wind, but that’s OK, I don’t mind wind too much. I thought I would enjoy myself by doing some of the things the recent weather hasn’t allowed me to do.

First item on the list, is to get myself ready, which so far hasn’t happened. The morning has been spent tidying the aviary and the pond. If you didn’t know already, I have a big liking for birds, and possibly a bigger liking for birds of prey. Hawks and owls and even eagles. My boyfriend won’t let me have an eagle, I’m working on that one at the moment, but it isn’t going very well.

Don’t sidetrack me with birds, or I’ll never get anything done today. First job on the list is getting ready, and when that’s done, me and my dog Sam are going for a jaunt, which might take in the local pub on the way back. Sam likes a bowl of beer! I like food, they do both, so we’re both on a winner.

Okey Dokes. I have put some pics up on the Venue Dressing page, the button is above. They’re pics of some of our past venue dressing jobs and I’ll put some more on soon,

Kelly x

Heading South

One aspect of modelling which I really miss, is standing on one leg with the other foot in my ear! I suppose I should fess up to the obvious. That isn’t me in the fashion pic below, but it’s one of those poses you’re expected to do. I can hear the tog saying “Leg up love, further, that’s a girl. And hold it, hold it”!


You wonder why we think selling flowers is a doddle!

We’ve been on a learning curve Saz and I. Learning the intricacies of flower arranging, and the difference between flower arranging and floristry. You didn’t know there was a difference? Neither did we!

Now the tables are turned, as Doreen is learning about lingerie, and learning all about our side of the business. I’ll give an explanation, in case you’re a bit lost.

Just before Christmas, Saz and I became almost equal partners in Doreen’s long established floristry business. As part of the deal, we gave her an almost equal share of our not quite so long established lingerie business. Everything is almost equal, Doreen retains a majority in her business, we retain a majority in ours.

February is a busy month in the world of fashion. London Fashion Week is scheduled for Feb 15th, but that’s high end fashion, with top designers showing their Spring/Summer collections. The mid market fashion show, the one we are interested in, is called Moda. The Moda show is in February too, and the Spring/Summer show is always hosted by the NEC (National Exhibition Center) in Birmingham, slightly nearer to home than London. Birmingham is about 100 miles south, which is about an hours drive on a clear day.

Saz and I want to take Doreen down to the NEC, so she can meet the lingerie companies we deal with. It’s also a chance for her to go to something she has never seen before. The real reason we want to go, is to see what else is available, anything worth adding to our range for the future..

In this day and age, being different puts you in a niche, it’s just a matter of sourcing the right lines. Moda here we come!

Kelly x

Eye Poppin!

The Bad Fashion section was one of my favourite features during the days when we were using the Temptation site. You do see some sights while you are walking around. We even see some eye poppin sights when we stand at the shop doorway.

These are supposed to be boot cut jeans, but the shop assistant thought she asked for butt cut! The thing which amazes me, is the other two in the pic are distracted by something else.

oooh dear2

This is another case of showing a teeny bit too much. That’s got to be breezy!

oooh dear


Second Coming

Since writing the first post, you might have expected some flow, especially with the excitement of running a new blog, that initial gusto new blog writers have before the whole thing becomes a chore.

Fact is, since writing the opening non introduction, the whole production process ground to a halt. Having ideas is one thing, but now the site is live, there was a discussion about the content. The fine line which we don’t want to cross, the line which keeps us safe from, for want of a better word, out and out weirdos. Weirdos do exist, we are still aware of what happened to a friend of ours after a Facebook rendezvous, and the trauma that caused, both physically and mentally. In other words, we would like to keep an air of anonymity, and while that might be a bit frustrating, or a little annoying to some, I would like to put our point of view over. Which is. We don’t give a shit!

One persons healthy interest can be another persons unhealthy obsession, so we won’t be crossing over any fine lines. We might put our toes up to the line now and again, but we won’t be stepping over with any haste.

We both know there is an interest in our shop. I know Saz’s blog these days tends to cover some of the drama associated with standing around waiting for the next customer to walk in. What she hasn’t done, for her own reasons, is put some pictures up.

That was part of our recent discussions about the blog content, so on Friday we took some photos of the shop, and the road we are on. Just as well, because not much later, it began to snow. If you look at the photos, you will see the swing bridge which features in the title photo at the top of the page.

Kelly x

The Beginning

When push comes to shove, you don’t know what to write, do you! All these thoughts floating around inside your head, yet when you sit down to put them into words, suddenly they all get up and leave.

This first post has been difficult to compose, so here’s what we do.

I am going to write with the presumption that you already know us. In that way, I can miss out the long boring introductions. If by some chance you have bummed here by accident, you can either leave now, or take the long slow process where we grow on you over time. My friends say I’m a slow burn anyway.

A little background of what this blog is about, before we begin properly. Sarah and I have discussed the idea of running a collaboration blog for some time. She has tried the idea before, and it failed. The fail came about because collaborators didn’t keep up. This time, the idea is different. The collaboration will be between the two of us, and others will drop in whenever they have time.

The blog won’t have any theme, but it will probably grow to have some regular features. We will do some updates about our work, our individual likes and dislikes, our hobbies and one or two other things as well.

I suppose the initial ideas of how the blog will run, will change over time as we find our feet, perhaps it’s best to let it flow and let it take it’s own course without making any promises or setting anything in stone.

Now the introductions have been done, without introducing anyone, we can make a start and get the show on the road.

Kelly x